Attention and Focus

Attention and Focus


Attention is an executive skill that can be developed. 

Our brains can be trained to pay attention to one thing at a time.

Paying attention to one thing in the present moment takes practice. 

Success or failure should not be based on your perception of slowing your thoughts. 

Just Practice.


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness Resources


Neuroscientist: You Will Never Lack Focus Again! - Mindset Mentor - (8:12)

ADHD Meditation, try this 3 minute meditation - – 6:35 – Seth Perler

How to MEDITATE with ADHD and Executive Function (CAN it even be done?) – 22:45 - Seth Perler (0 – 4:44 intro) 

Meditation for ADHD That Actually Works! (with guided mindfulness meditation practice) - Being Integrated - (18:20)

Guided Meditation for ADHD (Voice Only, No Music) - (20:18) - Declutter The Mind (focuses on physical sensations)  (12 min) (focuses on the breath) (10:40) – Declutter the Mind (focuses on breathing)


Note: UMD does not endorse these external links. They are listed here as resources for your consideration