Time Management

Time Management

How to Manage Time more effectively

1. Establish Goals:

  • List everything you must do for the week. Include all activities like classes, assignments, work, exercise, sleep, meals, grooming, social/recreational activities, etc.

2. Prioritize:

  • Use the information below to help prioritize – Write the related number after each activity and make decisions based on your priorities.
  1. Important and Urgent
  2. Important but not Urgent
  3. No Important but Urgent
  4. Not important or Urgent

3. Follow a Schedule

Time management worksheets

5 Steps to Manage Your Weekly Schedule

Other Resources:

Time Management Tips for Busy College Students – Purdue Global University

11 Time Management Tips for College Students – Rasmussen University

Managing Time for Success in College – Rogue Community College

5 Time Management Tips: ASU Online

Note: UMD does not endorse these external links. They are listed here as resources for your consideration.